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    As the publishing arm of the Pennsylvania State University and a division of the Penn State University Libraries and Scholarly Communications, Penn State University Press is dedicated to serving the University community, the citizens of Pennsylvania, and scholars worldwide by publishing books and journals of the highest quality. The Press promotes the advance of scholarship by disseminating knowledge—new information, interpretations, methods of analysis—with an emphasis on core fields of the humanities and social sciences.

    The Press is a vital member of the University community and strives to reflect many of the University’s academic strengths in the liberal arts. It also collaborates with alumni, friends, faculty, and staff in producing books about aspects of University life and history. Its thriving internship program provides valuable experience for Penn State students interested in careers in publishing. And as part of a land-grant and state-supported institution, the Press recognizes its special responsibility to develop books about Pennsylvania, both scholarly and popular, that enhance interest in the region and spread awareness of the state's history, culture, environment.

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